Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Merck Joins Michael J. Fox Foundation, And Koneksa -- In Supporting Remote Digital Biomarker Study Via Wrist-Worn Phone Apps -- To Track Parkinson's Progression

Parkinson's is a vexing, high burden (and not well understood) disease.

And it is excellent that Merck will lock arms with Koneksa, and the Michael J. Fox Foundation, to provide support and funding for this innovative approach to studying patients -- at an early stage. The idea is to get real time bio feedback from sufferers, and use it in a big data model, hopefully to make predictions, and tailor later care. . . perhaps one day, even identify some promising therapies -- for human trials. Here's the latest:

. . .Merck joined the data syndication partnership for the study, giving its researchers immediate and real-time access to data and results as the trial progresses, said Koneksa, the company leading LEARNS.

Digital biomarkers that can be assessed remotely using smartphones and wearable devices have the potential to aid in diagnosing Parkinson’s and allow patients to begin treatment while still in the disease’s early stages.

“The healthcare community urgently needs better, well-validated measures of Parkinson’s disease progression to inform drug development,” Chris Benko, CEO of Koneksa, said in a company press release. “We are establishing data syndication partnerships as a new form of pre-competitive collaboration that brings together a community around real-time data sharing and analysis throughout our studies to accelerate the validation and adoption of better digital measures. . . .”

It is likely that most of the richest data will be mined from observations related to early onset patients' disturbed sleep patterns. But here's to hoping we learn a lot more than just about that. Onward, smiling an optimistic smile.


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