Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Hmm. What Would Be A "Sensible Per Share Price" -- For Truth Social Holdco Called DWAC, Trading Under "DJT" Ticker Symbol?

Well. This is a PSA. The social media platform generated, in all of 2023, only $3.5 million in revenue -- and lost money ($49.5 million), on operations on a GAAP basis. But it debuted this morning with an about $6.2 billion market cap / enterprise value on the exchanges.

At that valuation to revenue rate, it will have to run its platform for 2,000 years or longer, solely to justify its stock price, this morning -- looking back.

Most sensible analysts admit the price is divorced from reality.

It seems plain that the fair value for these shares, on even double that revenue -- at $7 million a year. . . would be $2/share. But it is trading at over $70/share.

You've been duly warned.


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