Thursday, December 7, 2023

"Texas Hellscape" Update -- Feckless TX GOP AG Paxton, On Civil "Bounty Hunter" Cases -- If Doctors Do Provide Women's Health Services...

This is. . . deplorable.

After the order I mentioned earlier today, GOP MAGA AG Ken Paxton issued a statement to threaten abortion providers, under other (likely unconstitutional) laws Texas has passed. It purports to enable a bounty hunter law, to allow private citizens to report on, and go after any abortion provider or anyone who enables the same. [Sheesh. Hellscape meets Stazi indeed.]

Here is that late-breaking ghouls' report:

. . .Within hours, Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a warning of his own. “The Temporary Restraining Order (“TRO”) granted by the Travis County district judge purporting to allow an abortion to proceed will not insulate hospitals, doctors, or anyone else from civil and criminal liability for violating Texas’ abortion laws,” he said in a statement.

“This includes first degree felony prosecutions.”

Paxton acknowledged that Cox’s OB/GYN, Dr. Damla Karsan, was shielded by the order, the TRO “does not enjoin actions brought by private citizens” -- a blatant threat to people who seek or provide abortions. . . .

What a completely churlish pig. Out.


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