Thursday, December 7, 2023

Of The Hellscape That Is Texas State Law, Post Dobbs... Damn.

This is the story of a married woman in Texas -- a mom of two, already -- who wishes to have another child, but the current zygote she's carrying has a rare genetic defect -- one that almost always results in a still-birth (all based on actual life science findings). This in turn means she would endure astonishing agony (both emotional and physical), should she be forced to carry to term (as Texas's unconstitutional law. . . now plainly states). Her doctor (understandably) fears being jailed in Texas -- if he does what is considered medically needed by all responsible MDs nationwide, here.

I know: you may say. . . but she can fly to Colorado, and solve it.

No. . . instead, she and her husband have courageously brought a very public declaratory judgment action in Texas, likely in part to show the world. . . what a fascists' state Texas has become. Texas believes it has the right to jail doctors. . . for protecting the life of a mother. Here is the NBC News story, at noon-time today:

. . .A Texas judge on Thursday granted an emergency order allowing a pregnant woman whose fetus has a fatal diagnosis to get an abortion in the state.

Late last month, Kate Cox, a 31-year-old Dallas-area mother of two who is about 20 weeks pregnant, found out that her developing fetus has trisomy 18, a rare chromosomal disorder likely to cause stillbirth or the death of the baby shortly after he or she is born. . . .

Judge Maya Guerra Gamble quickly granted the requested order, which also allows Cox’s doctor to perform the abortion without fear of prosecution.

"The idea that Miss Cox wants desperately to be a parent, and this law might actually cause her to lose that ability is shocking and would be a genuine miscarriage of justice," the judge said.

Johnathan Stone, an attorney with the Texas attorney general's office who represented the state in the hearing, argued that Cox and her husband had not sufficiently demonstrated that they would suffer "immediate and irreparable injury" without an abortion.

"The only party that’s going to suffer an immediate and irreparable harm in this case" if the judge grants the requested order, Stone continued, "is the state. . . ."

Now that is some Orwellian nonsense, Mr. Stone -- you now claim that Texas owns a property right, in a particular woman's uterus? You'll have to answer to your maker for that, I guess. . . "THE STATE"?! Damn.


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