Monday, December 11, 2023

Over Short Alito Dissent, Unsurprisingly, The Supremes Deny Kennedy The Privilege Of Line-Jumping, Out Of Monroe, Louisiana

This is little more than trivia -- but here you have it.

This morining, just as we predicted, the Supremes (over a short dissent from "Bought by BusinessTM" Alito) said there is no right to "line jump" to the Supremes, simply by saying "Hey ya'! I am running an utterly quixotic campaign for president, so I get to skip the line -- and dive right into a Supreme Court case, on the docket!" Nope. That's just not. . . how any of this works -- it does not make it so.

Yup, that is today's silly trivia -- and I post on it, largely because this is the same argument Tangerine is making, about his gag order as he appeals it, out of DC. To be clear -- that one is even more beyond the pale, as it comes in the context of a felonies prosecution -- where Tangerine is also very likely guilty (but as yet uncharged with) witness tampering under 18 USC § 1512(b)(1). He, like Kennedy, will lose.

In fact, just this very morning, Jack Smith, as prosecuting Special Counsel in DC, has petitioned the Supremes to rule against Tangerine, on his claim of absolute immunity. Tangerine. . . simply doesn't have it. Out.


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