Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Minor Update -- Even The Loony Hard Right MAGAts Agree: Mr. Kennedy Should NOT Be Allowed To "Cut In Line" -- To The Supremes...

Welp. Not surprising.

The Mizzou AG, and the Louisiana AG. . . don't want to be upstaged by Mr. Kennedy's anti-vax lunacy in the Supremes. They oppose his intervention, at the Supremes.

The states that seek to reinstate an injunction the goofy USDC Judge Doughty authored in Monroe, Louisiana on July 4 -- agree that Mr. Kennedy is not needed of right -- or even permissively, in the Supremes' coming briefing and argument over whether a private actor is allowed to kick people out of his/her living room (i.e., put them off his/her private site for rules violations).

The hard right has tried to recast this. . . but what it is, at bottom, is a claim that Ronald Reagan was wrong to end the "must carry" rules at the FCC back in about 1986.

That is -- very clearly -- what the hard right now seeks: a ruling that, by law, these outlets (social media) must provide equal time and equal access to all the loons out there.

About this one matter, I can now bluntly concede: Ron Reagan was right (no need for equal time for oddball views) -- and by the way, those were broadcast TV networks EXPLICITLY granted monopolies -- while today, there are at least 150 different social media "broadcaster platforms" of very substantial size and scope.

So, in any event, the logic of those now 50 year old and dead rules (to the extent one might agree with forcing three monopoly networks to grant TV access to allow the broadcast of minority viewpoints) -- a "must carry" rule logic simply is. . . non-existent here -- in 2023. There are no remotely analogous. . . monopolies.

Just ask Tangerine, hisself: he runs his OWN truly ironically named "Truth" Social.

Damn, son. Out.


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