Wednesday, October 25, 2023

MK-1942 Study Discontinued, As A Future Potential Oral Alzheimer’s Candidate. This, After A Decade Of Coverage...

This won't materially move the MRK NYSE stock price, as this stoppage / null-result was likely long ago priced in, as Baxter, Pfizer and Lilly have seen the same blind alley appear, in their respective programs.

Alzheimer's is a very, very tough nut to crack -- it seems to be thousands of small things, at work -- not just one or two main bio-chemical processes. So, a pill for the memory eroding scourge will elude us for the foreseeable future. . . according to Rahway, thus via SeekingAlpha, and the fine but subscription based Endpoints News:

. . .A spokesperson for Merck told Endpoints News that data from the trials suggested that MK-1942 was linked to potential liver toxicity as detected by abnormal changes in liver function tests in several participants.

"No related serious adverse events were reported," the company added. . . .

There you have it. Yes, human health care science is. . . science. Trial and error. Rinse. . . and repeat. But ever, onward.


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