Friday, October 20, 2023

Given The Alito / Thomas / Gorsuch Dissent, It Seems There Is A 6-3 Majority At The Supremes... To Strike Louisiana Judge Doughty's Deeply Befuddled Opinion.

Reading tea leaves from grants of cert. is often dangerous.

But here, only three justices dissented from stopping old Doughty in his tracks. His opinion was unhinged -- and he never established that anyone in his courtroom had standing to even initiate a case, in Monroe Louisiana.

So -- reading the tea leaves in reverse, it would seem there are at least six votes to wipe his opinion off the books, as well as its twice modified cousin in the Fifth Circuit.

We shall see -- but this is. . . pretty encouraging news, for the Supremes' Spring of 2024 term. Onward.


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