Monday, July 24, 2023

The German Merck Has Today Published Its FIRST EVER Diversity & Inclusion Report...

It would be very easy to take up a snipers' nest / perch here at the open -- and ask why it has taken this multinational into the second decade of the 21st Century to even begin to report on progress, on this dimension. And that would be a fair critique. But not where I'll focus, absent other evidence of bad-faith.

I'll choose to celebrate the fact that a very old line German company is. . . trying to do. . . better:

. . .In 2021, we reflected — and then acted. We pledged to our people, partners, patients and communities to intensify our DE&I efforts, set bold aspirations, develop solid plans and hold ourselves accountable. In 2022, we completed the rollout of our new strategy and showed that we are on track to achieve our 2030 goals. . . .

While we have always been a diverse organization — present in 66 countries with more than 64,000 employees from 139 nationalities — we recognize that our continued success depends on our ability to build a work environment that champions equity and inclusion worldwide. . . .

"Our world is beautifully diverse -- and so is our company. We believe that championing a diverse workforce helps us better understand the needs of our stakeholders, exceed our customers’ expectations, stay economically and socially sustainable and, most of all, drive the kind of groundbreaking innovation that advances human progress. . . ."

-- Belén Garijo

Chair of the Executive Board and CEO, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. . . .

So. . . overdue? Indeed -- but good news, and kudos, just the same. Onward. . . to a sunny lake-side bike trek, now. . . smile.


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