Monday, July 24, 2023

Now Continuing The Series... Here Are The Detailed Amgen Q2 Lobby Disclosures...

This is the companion to last night's, on Eli Lilly's lobby spend.

Each of Lilly and Amgen are spending only a fraction of what each of Merck or Pfizer spends -- and all of them are eclipsed by a fair distance by. . . Amazon and Jeff Bezos.

More on that later this week -- but Amgen is just under $2 million this quarter. This compares to a slightly increased spend for Lilly over the first quarter. Here are those Amgen details, for Q2 2023:

. . .Issues related to drug pricing reform; Changes to Public law 117-1769 Inflation Reduction Act; Awareness of implications to patients and research and development of Public law 117-1769 Inflation Reduction Act; S. 113 Prescription Pricing for the People Act of 2023; S. 127 Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act; HR 830 / S. 1375 HELP Copays Act; HR 485 Protecting Health Care for All Patients Act; HR 1613 to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to improve transparency and prevent the use of abusive spread pricing and related practices in the Medicaid program; HR 2534 PROTECT 340B Act of 2023; HR 3561 The PATIENT Act; S. 1542 DRUG Act; S. 1967 PBM Act; Issues related to cardiovascular disease awareness and treatment; Issues related to Federal Trade Commission; FDA issues; Issues related to clinical trial diversity; Issues related to patient affordability issues, including copay cards, copay accumulators, copay maximizers, National Benefit Payment Parameters; Biosimilars reimbursement issues, no specific bill; Supply Chain Issues, no specific bill; Issues related to 340B; Issues related to pharmacy benefit managers. . . .

Issues related to drug pricing reform; Changes to Public law 117-1769 Inflation Reduction Act; Awareness of implications to patients and research and development of Public law 117-1769 Inflation Reduction Act; S. 113 Prescription Pricing for the People Act of 2023; S. 127 Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act; HR 485 Protecting Health Care for All Patients Act; HR 1613 To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to improve transparency and prevent the use of abusive spread pricing and related practices in the Medicaid program; HR 2534 PROTECT 340B act of 2023; HR 3561 the PATIENT act; Issues related to cardiovascular disease awareness and treatment; Issues related to ESRD; Issues related to asthma and self-administered drug list; Issues related to reimbursement for biologics/biosimilars. . . .

Issues related to corporate and international tax, including regarding Public Law 115-97, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; Issues related to Puerto Rico; Issues related to OECD negotiations on the taxation of global income; HR 3938 Build it in America Act. . . .

S. 79 Interagency Patent Coordination and Improvement Act of 2023; S. 113 Prescription Pricing for the People Act of 2023; S. 127 Pharmacy Benefit Transparency Act; S. 150 Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act of 2023; S. 148 Stop STALLING Act; S. 142 Preserve Access to Affordable Generics and Biosimilars; Federal Trade Commission related issues, no specific bill; Issues related to the Patent Act, no specific bill; Issues related to March-In/Bayh Dole, WTO/TRIPS waiver, no specific bill; Issues related to False Claims Act; Issues related to FDA/PTO coordination; Issues related to patent thickets/product hopping. . . .

We still owe you the Amazon disclosures, which may come later this week or early next. Smile. . . . See last quarter's Lilly v. Amgen totals (updated the top graphic; it now contains Q1 to Q2 comparisons across all four, for 2023).



1 comment:

condor said...

Speak freely — at 10:54 am… smile.