Sunday, July 2, 2023

ESA Has Succeeded — Euclid Space ‘Scope On Its Way To L2…

This is a nice clean ESA launch from Cape Canaveral. [As we mentioned earlier this week, this scope will -- come early 2028 -- team up efforts and share data with NASA's Nancy Grace Roman space telescope, by then also sitting pretty at L2, and cooled down for science operations.]

Now the planet's newest space scope is heading out toward L2. . . and a stable perch from which to map potential evidence of dark energy and dark matter. Here's a link to the liftoff video, and a bit:

. . .Euclid will observe billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years to create the largest, most accurate 3D map of the Universe, with the third dimension representing time itself.

This detailed chart of the shape, position and movement of galaxies will reveal how matter is distributed across immense distances and how the expansion of the Universe has evolved over cosmic history, enabling astronomers to infer the properties of dark energy and dark matter.

This will help theorists to improve our understanding of the role of gravity and pin down the nature of these enigmatic entities. . . .

And, now you know. . . grin.


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