Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A 2028-Era Space Agencies' "Marvel Team Up"... Is A' Comin' To a Cosmos... But Not So Near You, At L2.

This stuff always lights my imagination, and helps to inspire. . . my passions.

In early 2028, when the NASA Roman space telescope settles in and cools down, at L2, it and the Euclid mission, from the European Space Agency (we have followed Euclid here, for over two years), will work in tandem to increase the power of the science in both missions.

"That is how we do this", folks -- just like Milo Morales' team-ups in the Spider-verse. Heh -- here's a bit:

. . .The universe has been expanding ever since its birth – a fact discovered by Belgian astronomer Georges Lemaître in 1927 and Edwin Hubble in 1929. But scientists expected the gravity of the universe’s matter to gradually slow that expansion. In the 1990s, by looking at a particular kind of supernova, scientists discovered that about 6 billion years ago, dark energy began ramping up its influence on the universe, and no one knows how or why. The fact that it’s speeding up means that our picture of the cosmos is missing something fundamental.

Roman and Euclid will provide separate streams of compelling new data to fill in gaps in our understanding. They’ll attempt to pin down cosmic acceleration’s cause in a few different ways.

First, both Roman and Euclid will study the accumulation of matter using a technique called weak gravitational lensing. This light-bending phenomenon occurs because anything with mass warps the fabric of space-time; the bigger the mass, the greater the warp. Images of a distant source produced by light moving through these warps look distorted, too. . . .

“Euclid’s first look at the broad region of sky it will survey will inform the science, analysis, and survey approach for Roman’s deeper dive,” said Mike Seiffert, project scientist for the NASA contribution to Euclid at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

“Together, Euclid and Roman will add up to much more than the sum of their parts,” said Yun Wang, a senior research scientist at Caltech/IPAC in Pasadena, California, who has led galaxy clustering science groups for both Euclid and Roman. “Combining their observations will give astronomers a better sense of what’s actually going on in the universe. . . .”

Indeed -- platonic team-ups are a. . . good thing! Now you know -- as the haze and raw choking feeling eases a bit here, this afternoon. Smile.



Anonymous said...

just don't drink any water that comes from a well~~~to clear that throat~~!

Is there anything we don't mess up?????

condor said...

So. . . I guess drinking Lake Michigan water. . . as I do (or Arkansas River water, at the headwaters when I am in Colorado). . . is still okay.

Failing that, I guess we are down to desalinization of sea water. . .

Yikes. . . .