Friday, June 30, 2023

Something To Ponder, As We Celebrate Our Freedoms This Long Weekend... Please Be Informed By Real Science -- Not Small Minded Flat Earth Theories.

NASA is increasingly taking a leadership role, in highlighting climate science. And I am. . . thrilled.

So, as we wander off for the long weekend, and most of us in the middle of the nation breathe bad air (from forest fires not just coincidentally made worse -- by well-documented relatively-recent global climate shifts). . . do consider this:

. . .Understanding the Earth gives us the means to better protect it. Join NASA, as we monitor, study, and observe our planet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year — to learn more and to protect and improve life on Earth. . . .

Smiling at a welcome sojourner's appearance, this morning, over at Whopperline. Be well, one and all!


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