Saturday, May 13, 2023

[U: Today!] We Should Have An Actual NASA Story Here, In About Two Weeks... Until Then, Happy Mothers' Day!

But as a placeholder, until then, I will offer my most favorite-est campy 1960s sci-fi thriller of all time, on the topic.

It was originally a Hammer Studios (UK) title called "Quatermass and the Pit", part of a series of beloved British tales involving the heroic Professor Quatermass.

Repackaged for American audiences, it was called "Five Million Years to Earth". As near as I can tell, the exact same print ran in the US as in the UK -- labeled for mature audiences, of course.

No nudity -- just mind-bending possibilities about the origin of what was called the devil in christian tellings (or other names, in more ancient religious traditions).

The theory offered was that ancient aliens (likely from Barsoom) had seeded the proto-apes with a higher intelligence, but also with viciously violent, territorial inclinations, likely for the first time. Those violent warlike creatures evolved over millions of years, to become what we think of as humans.

And naturally, entirely by accident, in digging a new London Tube station, we moderns re-awaken the energy that brought the aliens from their then dying world, on Mars. The last of their energy had been entombed here, by the same proto-humans who built Stonehenge -- with the idea to banish the evil, for all eternity. But we needed new underground stops. Heh.

And. . . chaos ensues, of course.

Grin. See ya' in two weeks, on the real science embedded here.


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