Sunday, May 14, 2023

A Fresh Appearance -- One New Suspected Ebola Case, In DRC -- Butembo. Now, Often In The Spring, It Seems...

It was early May of 2022, that saw the last DRC flare up -- with five cases, and four deaths. That alone was a victory of sorts, as it was all arrested right after first detection, using ring vaccinations.

Hopefully, we will see the same this year -- perhaps holding the line at one case, and no deaths. [Would be interested in a solid theory, as to why in DRC, particularly, a clear spring-time outbreak pattern is emerging.] In any event, here is the latest -- once again:

. . .Local media recently reported a case of Ebola virus disease in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on May 8, 2023. The last Ebola outbreak in the DRC occurred in 2022.

“Regarding Ebola virus disease surveillance, we received a sample that turned out to be positive from the Kyondo health zone and in the Butembo site. We have received four samples, and among the four, one is positive,” commented Damulo Luhavo, the communicator of the provincial health division of Butembo.

Luhavo called on the local population to continue to be vaccinated. . . .

Now you know. And it is clear that the available mRNA vaccines (ring-administered) are chiefly responsible for giving public health officials the upper hand, in the last three or four outbreaks.

Do go out, and honor all moms, everywhere -- grand-mums and great grandmoms -- and moms by proxy, too! Smile. . . .


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