Tuesday, May 9, 2023

[U: Jury Verdict With Damages Breakouts.] Indeed -- A Sad, But Just... Day Of Reckoning, For Some Americans' Flirtation With Celebrity, Rather Than Merit, In The Halls Of Power.

This is nothing. . . to cheer. [Backgrounder, here -- from September of 2020, when Bill Barr opined that lying about rape was "related to" the offical duties required of the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania. Disgusting.]

That said, I am gratified that Ms. Carroll has won $5 million. I think this is. . . at least some small measure of deeply delayed. . . justice. [Here is the full verdict form as a *.pdf, as signed by the jurors, and the damages amounts, by bucket -- just docketed at 6 PM EDT in New York.]

But I am heavy-hearted. . . for America.

Slightly less than half of our number pulled the lever in 2016, for this serial criminal -- and nearly word for word, all this sordid history was known then.

That is, slightly less than half of us voted for this celebrity / pig and reprobate, as the leader of the free world, despite his manifest unfitness for any office at any level.

All I will say. . . is let's never make this mistake again, Americans. You know better -- do better.



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