Wednesday, May 10, 2023

[Tangent: Allegory Edition] I Cannot Recommend This Highly Enough -- Though I Barely Watched The Original...

While the first few episodes drag a bit. . . in order to set-up the back story many in the US may not know (as few here followed closely the history of George III, from whom we in America later liberated ourselves, by force), by the last three episodes (of six). . . it is a sweet, rollicking good yarn. Full of lessons -- for scientists of the night skies.

Do catch it, binge it this weekend, even -- on Netflix. very crown-worthy:

"...We are one Crown. His weight is mine, and mine is his. One Crown...."

Of course, Ms. Rimes takes quite a few liberties with what is presumed to be factual history in Great Britain. . . but therein lies. . . most of the compelling fun and adventure, no? Onward!

You should watch this, oh Dante Williams... it explains much. you'll love her -- she is... you.


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