Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Good News: The '23 Guinea Marburg Outbreak Is Ended; But Still A Few Weeks, Yet For Tanzania...

Still no approved vaccine exists, for Marburg -- a virus very similar to Ebola, in its en vivo effects, on humans. . . and thus, a very dangerous killer.

But the good news is that 42 days have passed in Guinea without a single new case. We await similar news in about two weeks, from Tanzania. Here's the latest, from excellent bi-lingual reporting:

. . .Equatorial Guinea’s vice president, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, declared late Monday an end to a Marburg virus outbreak, which caused 17 confirmed cases in the country, including 12 deaths.

“After not registering Marburg infections during the 21 days stipulated by the WHO, and after the excellent work and results obtained in the fight and containment of this virus, I have declared today (Monday) the end of the Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea!” vice president, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue said on his Twitter account.

A total of 17 laboratory-confirmed cases and 23 probable cases were reported in the Central African country between Feb. 13 – when it declared a Marburg outbreak -, and May 1.

The last confirmed case was reported on Apr. 20, according to the World Health Organization.

Among the 17 confirmed cases, there were 12 deaths and all those considered probable died, the UN agency said in a statement on May 8.

On Apr. 27, the country’s health ministry said that all districts of the province of Kie Ntem in the northeast of the continental region of the country and some districts of Wele-Nzas in the southeast had completed 42 days without a single new case being recorded, a WHO requirement to declare the end of an epidemic. . . .

Now you know -- all as we await some downloaded imagery of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io -- assuming the visible light camera was not permanently fried, over the last (49th) dip through the radiation furnaces, at the Jovian poles. . . smile.


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