Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Agreed Scheduling, For The Reopening Of East Bay III -- With Title 42 Program Sunsetted...

There will still be a status call tomorrow, before USDC Judge Tigar in Oakland -- but I'll not listen in.

I'll likely wait to make any additional comments until June 5 -- when plaintiff East Bay Sanctuary, et al. files the first motion for summary judgment. I genuinely wish the Biden Administration had chosen another path here -- but so be it. See below; just filed:

. . .Defendants shall produce the administrative record by May 26, 2023;

Plaintiffs shall file their motion for summary judgment by June 5, 2023;

Defendants shall file any cross-motion and opposition by June 16, 2023;

Plaintiffs shall file their opposition and reply by June 23, 2023; and

Defendants shall file their reply by June 30, 2023. . . .

We will keep you informed. Out.


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