Tuesday, April 18, 2023

UPDATE On That Multi-Billion Dollar Civil Zetia® "Pay To Delay" Federal Antitrust Class Action Trial

As expected, the parties are still working through the final flurry of motions to exclude certain evidence, and to admit / include other batches of evidence, in the federal courthouse in Norfolk, Virginia.

Thus, the parties have not yet begun to pick a jury. That may happen Thursday or Friday. Here's the latest order (plus a note that a transcript of yesterday's hearings will be available after July 17, 2023):

So. . . this antitrust matter crawls slowly to opening statements. . . .

. . .Set Hearings: Discovery Hearing / Status Conference set for 4/17/2023 at 12:00 PM in Norfolk Mag Courtroom 1 w/OCR before Magistrate Judge Douglas E. Miller. . . .

In the end, this sprawling trial is likely to demonstrate that even far more careful attempts to corner a drug market, and extend the exclusivity of a drug patent portfolio. . . in order to maintain or increase prices, is unlawful -- to the tune of billions in damages. [Martin Shkreli's schemes were a sledgehammer compared to this scalpel, here.]

Now you know, with 30 degree warmer sunshine ahead! Ah. . . Spring -- everything. . . exploding with fragrance and color! Grin. . . .


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