Monday, April 17, 2023

Solid Totals Are Hard To Come By -- But The Guinea Marburg Outbreak Is Continuing, Even As Tanzania's Draws To An End...

This is the first ever recorded Marburg outbreak in two countries at once. But the good news is that the one in Tanzania seems to have been arrested (or is at least subsiding). No new cases in weeks.

However, the one in Guinea continues to record new cases, and deaths, week after week. As many as twenty early on were buried without tests -- so the total is a moving target, but there have been at least 34 fatal cases -- and all the recent ones suspected have been confirmed by lab tests as Marburg. Some 1,600 people are being monitored now, in Guinea -- as contacts of known cases.

Do go read it all, at the UK Telegraph, here -- as to what is known, as of this past weekend. And what is. . . as yet. . . unknown.

This indeed is a relay race, of sorts -- the baton is passed by one runner on the team to the next, with all on the ground trying to put distance between themselves. . . and the team with the virus. Now you know. Onward -- going from 29 this morning to 78 by Wednesday. Crazy.


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