Thursday, April 20, 2023

The "Two Mercks" Will Meet -- To Pick A New Near(er) Term Pretrial Conference Date, By Agreement...

Just a bit of house-keeping / clean up, from that last note, in which I indicated I found German Merck's counsel to be rather "cheeky" -- or self important.

The able USDC Magistrate Judge agrees, at least in part. So the parties will meet and confer to jointly pick a near term pre-trial date:

. . .The Court has reviewed Mr. Bernstein's April 12, 2023 letter request to adjourn the submission of the proposed Final Pretrial Order and the date of the Final Pretrial Conference. [D.E. 219] The Court also has reviewed Ms. Betz's letter in response. [D.E. 220]

While the Court appreciates Plaintiff's desire to advance this matter such as by moving the Final Pretrial Conference to June 1, 2023, this Court's own scheduling of the many other matters before it precludes doing so.

However, the Court is reticent to functionally stay this case until October 16, 2023. The Court also emphasizes that it cannot predict whether the trial will occur in 2024 or 2025, as trial scheduling turns on myriad dynamic factors. The Court, rather than simply assigning new dates, first will afford counsel the opportunity to meet and confer to determine if they can agree on the dates.

Counsel will submit a joint status report by April 26, 2023.

So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Michael A. Hammer on 4/19/2023. (Hammer, Michael). . . .

Now you know -- and that's it for today's Thursday trivia.

Except, of course, it seems the RHESSI craft did not strike any populated area last night. Whew. There were false reports that a fireball over the night sky in Kviv might have been RHESSI -- it was not. That happened almost 15 hours too early. But it is safely gone, now. Out, grinning.


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