Wednesday, April 19, 2023

NASA's Solar Craft RHESSI: Due To Burn In, Tonight...

After over a 21 year mission studying the Sun, from a low Earth orbit, RHESSI is end of mission.

The smallish craft weighs less than 700 pounds, and almost all of it will now burn up on re-entry, though small bits could reach the surface of the Earth.

It is expected to come in over water, so very little chance of any human contact, at all. Here's the updated window:

. . .DoD has updated the targeted drop in time, here on Wednesday afternoon -- with a little more clarity: reentry could occur about 9:40 p.m. ET this evening, plus or minus three hours, NASA said. . . .

Now you know. Separately, NASA's Mars copter has now completed 50 powered, flawless flights on Barsoom. Grin. . . .


1 comment:

condor said...

And. . . we now know it burnt in, over the Sahara desert:

. . .The Department of Defense confirmed that the 660-pound spacecraft re-entered the atmosphere over the Sahara Desert region, at approximately 21.3 degrees north latitude and 26 degrees east longitude. NASA expected most of the spacecraft to burn up as it traveled through the atmosphere, but for some components to survive re-entry. . . .

Grin. . . .