Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Finally -- The Eli Lilly & Co. Version. Smile.

Yep -- that is the name it was traded under, for over a century, on the NYSE, during the last millenium.

And here is what it is pushing for, in the Twenty-First. . . though since it is much smaller than Pfizer, Pfizer's spend is about three times Lilly's (also true of Amazon) -- and just about exactly half of Amgen's and/or Merck's. . . in most quarters:

. . .Patient protection; Drug supply chain and shortages; Drug pricing, coverage, value and access; Transparency; Intellectual property; Health insurance accessibility; Implementation of the "Inflation Reduction Act" (HR.5376); Prescription drug approval; Affordable Insulin Now Act (S.3700/HR.6833), The INSULIN Act. . . .

Intellectual property; 340B Program; Medicare & Medicaid prescription drug reimbursement, coverage and value; Implementation of the "Inflation Reduction Act" (HR.5376); CMS National Coverage Determination on Alzheimer's disease; The INSULIN Act. . . .

Multi-lateral threats to IP and the biopharmaceutical industry; Drug importation; Prescription drug value and access. . . .

Pharmaceutical intellectual property issues. . . .

Implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; Domestic manufacturing tax incentives; Expensing of research and development costs; Global minimum tax. . . .

Hospital discounts; 340B program. . . .

Now you know.


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