Wednesday, April 26, 2023

[U: Rupert Mountjoy!] DeSantis Getting Blasted In Florida's Federal Courts, By Disney.

I think it unfortunate that Disney has to sue simply to be allowed to speak its mind in Florida, but that is where we are.

The side-benefit is that the Disney company is about to crash DeSantis' dreams of national office.

When the rest of the nation reads how "anti-business" he is. . . it is game over, for a GOP nomination in 2024. See this:

. . .Governor DeSantis announced that Disney’s statement had “crossed the line” -- a line evidently separating permissible speech from intolerable speech -- and launched a barrage of threats against the Company in immediate response. Since then, the Governor, the State Legislature, and the Governor’s handpicked local government regulators have moved beyond threats to official action, employing the machinery of the State in a coordinated campaign to damage Disney’s ability to do business in Florida. State leaders have not been subtle about their reasons for government intervention. They have proudly declared that Disney deserves this fate because of what Disney said. This is as clear a case of retaliation as this Court is ever likely to see. . . .

As the Florida representative who introduced the Reedy Creek dissolution bill declared to the Florida House State Affairs Committee: “You kick the hornet’s nest, things come up. And I will say this: You got me on one thing, this bill does target one company. It targets The Walt Disney Company. . . .”

Disney takes seriously its responsibility to shareholders, employees, and the many residents and local businesses in Central Florida whose livelihoods depend on Walt Disney World. And Disney now is forced to defend itself against a State weaponizing its power to inflict political punishment. . . .

It is a clear violation of Disney’s federal constitutional rights -- under the Contracts Clause, the Takings Clause, the Due Process Clause, and the First Amendment -- for the State to inflict a concerted campaign of retaliation because the Company expressed an opinion with which the government disagreed. And it is a clear violation of these rights for the CFTOD board to declare its own legally binding contracts void and unenforceable. Disney thus seeks relief from this Court in order to carry out its long-held business plans
. . . .

Damnation. What a latter day repressionist DeSantis is. Positively 17th Century, pre-colonial monarchy BS.

Updated -- the whole movie appears -- at the suggestion of our erstwhile anon. commenter -- consider him for the role of Rupert Mountjoy (flawless!):



Anonymous said...

Maybe he is more like Count Mountjoy from 'the Mouse that Roared'? I could see Peter Sellers playing DeSantis~~~

condor said...


And sadly. . . hilarious!