Thursday, December 1, 2022

Court Ordered Settlement Discussions Continued Today, In The Clearly Multi-Billion Dollar Merck v. Merck Lanham Act / Naming Fights -- USDC NJ

We had earlier (in October 2022) seen minute orders to the effect that the parties wanted to move ahead immediately to trial.

As of this morning, the "on again, off again" settlement talks seem to have born fruit. The able US Magistrate Hammer in Newark just entered a further order, setting a schedule for ongoing settlement / mediation conferences. As we've long said, this litigation has easily already cost each side over $50 million since 2013, making the total legal bills alone likely over $100 million.

'Tis well past time to "declare peace / victory, and go home", guys (it is the holiday season afterall -- make peace, not war!):

. . .As discussed during the December 1, 2022 conference, the parties will meet and confer and inform the Court, by December 9, 2022, whether they wish to resume the settlement discussions with the Undersigned, or whether the parties wish to engage in mediation with a private mediator. . . .

So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Michael A. Hammer on 12/1/2022. . . .

Now you know -- out into the steel and glass canyons, and the half-light reflected there, from the emerging winter's gloaming. . . smiling. Ever, smiling.


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