Tuesday, November 15, 2022

You. Love. To. See. It! The Frothy Right (Preposterously!) Lauds Texas Gov. Abbott -- To Avoid Talking About Tangerine's 2024 FEC Filing...

Tonight, many on the frothy right inform us that the malevolent cabal of morons running Texas under the GOP's aegis. . . have decided to raise an army -- and take on repelling what they call an "invasion".

No matter that most of these "invaders" are... being paid to mow Abbott's donors' lawns, run their manufacturing plants, and oil rigs... and handle restaurant operations -- for the wealthiest one per cent of Texas (mostly GOP-ers). . . .

But in the hard right's hate-filled telling, this is the Alamo all over again. [And it is likely to end just the way the Alamo did.]

These goofs blithely ignore that immigration and border security are exclusively seeded to the federal Executive branch (in our founding documents), not to the various states. This is so -- not least of which -- to avoid a never-ending series of chaotic / conflicting local vigilante actions.

Like this one. Abbott will be enjoined by the federal courts.

And all of this tempest in a Texas teapot. . . allows the Powerline boys to turn the page -- and ignore Tangerine's filing for 2024.

They are desperate, to a wrinkly old whyte guy -- after the drubbings in the midterms -- to push Trump down the memory hole.

And the Cumquat Pol-pot is NOT going to oblige.

I love it. Let him stay in -- even past the GOP's convention, and nomination of some other name. . . and form his own third party.

That is what I hope for (almost) most fervently.

Of course, this is the series of unfortunate events. . . the frothy right most fears. They well-know if they don't stop Trump now. . . no matter who the Democrats or Republicans nominate (assuming that's not Trump). . . the GOP candidate will lose. The Democratic Party candidate will coast to victory, no matter who it is -- after Trump siphons off about a third of all otherwise GOP voters.

This is Ross Perot 2004, but in reverse.

I just hope Trump doesn't fold too early.

And now, maybe. . . just maybe, we'd like to see an indictment held -- until about November 11, 2024 -- if he ends up a third party candidate for 1600 Penn. as I surmise. . . .



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