Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Elizabeth's Defense Cost ~$30 Million: Corrected Memo Filed By AUSAs In Holmes Case.

Well. . . she did get a very fine set of lawyers -- and her defense's effort was truly. . . first rate.

But on the concluding page of the sentencing memo, as corrected for Friday's 10 AM PST hearing, the government notes that the able USDC Judge Davila ought to look carefully at the claims of being essentially destitute, and unable to pay her victims back. . . as he considers the fine and restitution order which he will likely also enter on Friday, thus:

. . .[I]t appears that Holmes has modest assets outweighed by $450,000 in “loan[s] for SEC Settlement” and a liability for legal fees in excess of $30 million.

The PSR notes it is unknown whether any third parties, guarantors, or others are also liable on or expected to pay the legal fees. The PSR also notes that Holmes’ family appears to have substantial assets and that Holmes is managing her affairs to avoid subjecting their assets to any judgment in this case. Before foregoing a fine, the Court should assure itself that such liabilities are current and genuine and consider whether Holmes’ management of her affairs reflects a genuine desire to make her investors whole. . . .

Those are some serious $1,400 an hour lawyers. . . indeed. I'd bet that Martin Shkreli paid under $3 million, all in -- or one tenth of what Ms. Holmes apparently says she's paid.


On. . . to Friday!


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