Tuesday, November 1, 2022

What If... You Could "Hear" The Pops And Pings, Of Earth's Core Interacting With The Magnetosphere?

Well, here is a European Space Agency-led simulation. . . of what that would sound like, in frequencies that the human ear might perceive.

So much of this just -- blows my doors right off. Click below the pull-quote to hear it. Sound. . . ON!

. . .Launched in 2013, ESA’s trio of Swarm satellites are being used to understand exactly how our magnetic field is generated by measuring precisely the magnetic signals that stem not only from Earth’s core, but also from the mantle, crust and oceans, as well as from the ionosphere and magnetosphere. Swarm is also leading to new insights into weather in space.

Musician and project supporter Klaus Nielsen, from the Technical University of Denmark, explains, “The team used data from ESA’s Swarm satellites, as well as other sources, and used these magnetic signals to manipulate and control a sonic representation of the core field. The project has certainly been a rewarding exercise in bringing art and science together.”

It might sound like the stuff of nightmares, but, remarkably, this audio clip represents the magnetic field generated by Earth’s core and its interaction with a solar storm. . . .

Grinning -- ear to ear, now -- at that 4K audio and video version. . . of the spookiest house on the block!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. Funny, not scary to me at all. Just lends itself to my feeling that the earth, in its totality, is alive...

just a feeling...

condor said...

I hear you Anon. -- and while I am certain we are only dimly aware of all the billions of interdependencies that cause our earth to remain a (relatively) stable host for life, of all sorts. . . I often wonder whether those interdependencies. . . have over billions of years. . . become "self-aware" -- or personified if one prefers. . . into a separate entity -- an articulated. . . "Gaia".

At bottom, either way, I suppose it doesn't matter that much. What HAS evolved, sustains us all. . . but indeed we need to be better stewards of it, to be sure.

If "Gaia" is self-aware, she may ultimately. . . some centuries from now, decide to wipe only humans (via an entirely-naturally occuring viral load), and "start over" -- with the most-sentient whales, elephants, squids and/or dolphins. They collectively may be better students/stewards.

We shall see -- great stuff! And thanks, as always.