Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Coretta Scott King And Martin Luther King Paid Julia Robert's Neo-Natal Hospital Bills In 1967...

I will let you read, see and hear -- all about it, right here.

Truly an amazing bit of 1960s history.

And, it turns out that the Georgia KKK detonated a car bomb -- in front of Julia's parents' acting workshop / business -- because Yolanda King (Coretta's daughter) was cast in a leading role, where she shared a kiss onstage. . . with a whyte actor.

And if that all seems an improbably distant time -- just a lost memory. . . consider that there are people right now (today -- in 2022!) who WANT to believe (and are amplifying a horrific lie) that the Speaker's husband "staged" having his skull fractured with a hammer, by a lunatic -- for some ill-explained. . . political gain. In a word. . . deplorable.

So. . . get ready -- make a plan -- and for certain, go vote now, early -- or in seven days' time.


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