Tuesday, November 8, 2022

School Kids In Certain Ugandan Districts To Go Home For The Holidays A Full Two Weeks Early -- To Help Arrest The Current Ebola Outbreak...

This is a very sensible move, as now at least eight school-aged kids have died in the current outbreak around the capital city of Kampala.

We continue to await early word on how that experimental Sabin Institute Sudan variant-specific vaccine candidate is fairing in contract / ring settings, on the ground, there.

And the latest, via Reuters reporting this morning:

. . .Uganda will shorten the school term by two weeks to reduce daily contact amongst students and help curb the spread of Ebola, the education minister said on Tuesday. . . .

As of Monday, the country had recorded a total of 135 confirmed cases and 53 deaths, according to the health ministry. . . .

And. . . please. . . please do go vote. Let your voice be. . . heard. And take your kids, let them see that this. . . matters! I'm headed there, now.



Anonymous said...

It appears that a similar vigil was performed in PA: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/doug-mastriano-waiting-for-god-loses-party_n_636bf3d2e4b01727bbd421e2. 'God is on his side~~'

On another note, some 'boxing in' of the dodger in chief: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-cannot-delay-watchdog-company-215012671.html

condor said...

My reaction? "You just. . . love to see it!"

And as it happens, I was writing a post on Tangerine not being able to stop the monitor over all his Organization's affairs, in NY appeals courtrooms. . . look for that in moments; I'm finishing up the graphic!

Hah -- great stuff Anon.!