Thursday, November 10, 2022

[U: Marrakech, Morocco!] "You Love To See It" Dept.: Trump Told To Name A Monitor Over His Affairs In NY By TODAY.

Overnight, Team Tangerine lost a bid to stay (or stop) the NY trial court judge's order from taking effect. Trump may appeal to the highest court in NY. . . but he will lose there too. He has until 5 PM EST to put forward three names for the monitor, as does the NY AG's office.

This will be the next cut, in a long line of paper cuts, that will ultimately see him indicted, tried, convicted and jailed. Here's the latest, courtesy our erstwhile anonymous commenter -- with the order itself imaged -- at right:

. . .Engoron, a Manhattan trial court judge, gave both sides a Nov. 10 deadline to recommend three candidates for the job.

The order bars the defendants from transferring assets without court approval, and requires that the monitor receive a "full and accurate description" of the Trump Organization's structure and assets.

Engoron called appointing a monitor "the most prudent and narrowly tailored mechanism to ensure there is no further fraud or illegality," citing misrepresentations in Trump's statements of financial condition from 2011 to 2021. . . .

Now you know -- 70s and sunny here, so off we go -- for a lake-side bike ride, with my lovely adult daughter. She's home from various haunts all over Europe, Morocco, Colombia and Colorado for a month, now -- enjoying every minute of the time with her.

Be excellent to one another. . . Smiling, ear to ear. Updated -- as requested just a few shots from Morocco in the Spring of 2022 (click to embiggify):.



Anonymous said...

Morocco????? please post a picture if she supplies you any....

condor said...

Sure. She has tons, from mosques & museums -- essentially. The little tok toks are what are cutest, though.

The frustration here is that some of the best are "live" photos / short video clips. . . and since I don't pay to host video here, I can't just upload them.

Most (of the above) are in and around the markets in Marrakesh -- Spring 2022, but look at the lower portion, centered -- of the post to which this is appended, in a few moments. Thanks for asking!


Anonymous said...


Since you post so much NASA, did you see this:

I, too, am immediately drawn back to that fateful day. So sad...

Anonymous said...

I do love the mosaics....fascinating city/country. Someday...someday...

condor said...

Truly. . . that was a sad, sad day.

And no doubt -- you will get to Morocco -- I trust that! Hop on a steamer if you have to, to cross the Atlantic. . . keep your bucket lists alive -- and growing.

I just wish-wish-wish I could live my daughter's globe-trotting, live out of a back-pack life. . . ah, to be free of those responsibilities and deadlines, again. . . .

But she keeps making my bucket list grow -- with each batch of photos and videos she sends home (Thailand / Vietnamese country-sides). Latest mission, though is an active volcano in Guatemala. She'll head back there in January 2023.

What a life!

Namaste. . . .

condor said...

Last one:

As you say: Someday. . . someday. Smile.

Anonymous said...

yes, agree, keep the 'wish list' active and growing.
you must have raised her well~confident and curious...good for her. And it is 'ok' to live vicariously~~~remind her that you are proud.

condor said...


Thanks. . . . grin.