Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Of Harmonizing Local Religious Traditions And Customs -- Especially Islamic Ones -- To Save Lives -- In Uganda's Countryside...

There is both reason for hope, and alarm -- in Uganda's current Ebola outbreak. The cases are becoming more sporatic, and are seen more and more in known contact chains -- from known carriers. So the prospect for arresting the overall outbreak is improving.

However, just a few weeks ago, in a rural community -- where illiteracy is indeed a factor -- one of the dead from Ebola (previously safely and humanely buried by the Red Cross) was exhumed by his fellow Muslims, and reburied in accord with their traditions, of hand-washing the body (without protective gear), wrapping it in white cotton cloth, and praying over the dead -- in the open air.

You can obviously imagine what came next. Here is that story:

. . .The recent [cluster] of Ebola virus cases in a Ugandan rural community began when defiant residents exhumed a body at night, undoing the work of a safe burial team in order to give the deceased man a proper Islamic funeral.

Within days, at least 23 of the mourners had contracted Ebola and three were dead, prompting Uganda's health minister to say she hoped the members of the farming community in the district of Kassanda had learnt their lesson. . . .

This is both maddening, and completely understandable -- religion is a powerful force in these rural communities -- and if honestly asked, many of the adherents would no doubt want their fellow believers to do the same for them, should they pass from Ebola. Or from any cause -- the rites do not vary. So, that is the crux of it all.

And so, we are likely to see at least occasional cases -- and deaths. . . into the new year.



Anonymous said...

while it was expected, I wish the terms were released...

condor said...

Indeed — “a man is not what he does. . . So much as what he hides.”

— Voltaire (I think)

And this guy. . . Hides so much.


Great stuff, Anon.!

Anonymous said...

I saw that too..nice. Though, isn't trump also suing the NY AG in Florida for 'political' harassment?

condor said...

Yes — but that suit is a non-starter. The NY AG has clear right to pursue fraud charges, and the NY Judge has already labeled Trump a “serial fraudster….”

He now can’t move money without the monitor’s oversight, in NY.

And if some crazy judge in FL enters an order trying to stop it… NY AG will use the federal courts to quash FL’s attempt to deny full faith and credit, and comity… in short, NY’s sovereign rights.

Pop the popcorn!