Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Disconcerting News: The Pakistani Version Of Its NIH Is Warning About One Suspected "Sudan" Ebola Case, INSIDE Pakistan...

It is unclear whether the single case is being monitored in Karachi, or Islamabad -- these would be the two cities with most of the international flight traffic. I suspect Karachi, but that is unknown. What is known is. . . that Pakistan's NIH has adopted the same procedures for flights out of Uganda, that the US had, as of October 6, 2022 (as we reported).

Obviously, with no working and approved vaccine in hand for this variant, any spread away from the local central Africa geographies is of concern. It is not alarmist to worry that a plane, with an exposed person's fluids, left Pakistan. . . and then flew on to other points, toward Asia (if it was headed north and east, out of Uganda, originally). I would expect similar screening fences to go up throughout Asia and Europe shortly. Here's the latest from SAMAA, an in country Pakistani TV outlet:

. . .The NIH issued on Tuesday an advisory about the possible Ebola outbreak in Pakistan, instructing institutions concerned to stay alert. . . .

According to the latest advisory, the Central Health Establishment will monitor people arriving from Uganda, while the suspected Ebola cases coming to Pakistan will be reported to the NIH.

Suspected Ebola cases arriving in Pakistan will be quarantined while samples from suspected cases will be sent for testing under the national guidelines, the NIH said. . . .

Now you know -- and do stay safe in crowded indoor public places, even here in landlocked US cities. The mask certainly cannot hurt. Onward. . . looking for some smiles now, from the DART briefing out of NASA, but with Italian space science teams on the dais as well, at 2:00 PM Eastern.


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