Monday, September 19, 2022

Update: There Is Now Proof That Gov. DeSantis, As Chief Law Officer In FL, LIED IN WRITING To Accuseds, In Criminal Removal Proceedings. That's A... Felony.

Once again, a pro bono lawyer for about 30 of the people from Venezuela and Colombia has obtained (the stupidly ginned up in MS Office) written brochure DeSantis caused to be handed out to people, to fraudulently induce them to get on the plane to Martha's Vineyard (and in the process, miss their "credible fear" hearings).

Under federal law dating back six decades, law enforcement cannot lie to someone who is already in the process -- charged, in any criminal proceeding. Immigration and deportation proceedings are. . . criminal, in that the final outcome permits a detention, and a forced removal from the US -- in effect, a life imprisonment order, by exile.

DeSantis crowed on video over the weekend, about now having the "infrastructure" in place (chartered jets, and lots more brochures, to dupe asylum seekers) to do a lot more of these chartered night drops. In sum, he is taking credit for it.

That makes out a felony. [Three generations ago, pro-segregation Governors in the South did much the same, tricking black families to get on buses, and shipping them to Chicago and Detroit and Boston, Philly and New York -- with false promises of modern housing and good jobs. But that was not crime, since none of them were in the criminal justice system. This lying. . . is just so. . . un-American.]

Me? I think DeSantis' Catholic parish priest (the only authority he listens to, besides himself) should refuse him Communion -- until he repents of his organized crimes.

Out. This is disgusting -- and just so openly. . . malevolently. . . stupid.


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