Monday, September 19, 2022

Only One Thing Matters, About Tomorrow... The Eleventh Circuit's Show At Noon.

In truly hilarious fashion, Tangerine's (amateur) lawyers laid out some four pages of nonsense tonight -- their wish list, if you will -- in the hopes that Judge Cannon will dance to their tune, in the lower court, tomorrow at 2 pm at Ft. Pierce.

But the Eleventh Circuit has a hearing at Noon, in Atlanta -- on the government's request for an emergency stay of Judge Cannon's orders. It is likely to stop her in her tracks.

So -- as the government says by footnote, tonight -- that is the controlling hearing. The first one of the day:

. . .The government applied to the Eleventh Circuit for a stay last week and Plaintiff’s response is due tomorrow at noon, before the Master’s preliminary conference. If the Eleventh Circuit stays Judge Cannon’s order with respect to documents with classification markings, then the Special Master will not review the documents with classification markings. If the Eleventh Circuit does not stay the review of the documents with classification markings, the government will propose a way forward. . . .

That is some solid confidence -- from the government lawyers. They think that the Eleventh Circuit chose a hearing time, prior to Cannon's tomorrow (since her date was already known, when the appeal was docketed). . . intentionally to shut her kooky clown show. . . all the way down.

Now you know. Grinning. . . .


1 comment:

Anon.Milton said...

Twice, at 7:15 am and 7:30 am… smiling….