Saturday, September 3, 2022

[U] About 6,000 Years Ago, This "Odd Bird" Appeared -- In The Constellation Canis Major / Gaia...

We have ourselves another long weekend mystery. [Updated -- this is not one we know the answer to, and might reveal on Tuesday. Scientists are actively scratching their heads here]:

Not when.

Not where. . . we know those answers -- 6,000 light years off, in Gaia / Canis Major.

But. . . precisely. . . how?

How, in 4200 BCE, did this nearly rectangular set of shockwaves. . . remarkably evenly spaced, and thus precisely. . . periodic, in time. . .

Come to be -- in a Universe absolutely. . . dominated by near-circles. . . or slight ellipses.

We should see. . . at least roughly circular, or spiral. . . arms -- but we don't.


How -- indeed?


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