Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Well -- This Is All Very... Droll: Tangerine Effectively Concedes His Requiring NDAs Of Employees, At 1600 Penn... Was UN-Lawful.

In a vain attempt to escape liability for bad faith / fraud in contracting, in various federal employment matters, in Manhattan's US district court, Team Tangerine's lawyers have this morning filed a "promise" that no one in his organization will ever try to enforce the NDAs.

So he wants the able USDC Judge Gardephe to dismiss the case, without the plaintiffs' consent. That won't happen.

As we saw in the Portland press / protests cases, a mere promise to stop violating the law does not cure the PRIOR violations. The plaintiffs have substantial damages, after being defrauded into signing clearly unenforceable employment contracts, especially so, where we, the tax-payers. . . were the ones writing the checks. We are entitled to know what Tangerine was trying to do in our name -- and he was fraudulently trying to prevent truthful accounts of his actions with these sham "agreements". On our collective dime. But (for what it is worth!) here is his admission:

. . .Specifically, the Campaign has unequivocally sworn in the enclosed declaration that it "shall not ever enforce or attempt to enforce any confidentiality or non-disparagement provisions contained in any written agreements signed by any employees, independent contractors, or volunteers who worked for the Campaign on the 2016 Presidential Election. . . ."

The Campaign has further unilaterally undertaken a mailing through a third-party company to all its former employees, independent contractors, and volunteers expressly advising them that they "are no longer bound by the confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions in [their] NDA[s]. . . ."

I think it is increasingly clear (especially so, given last night's events) that Baby-T sees he is about to lose a lot more than just the NDA suit. And he's trying to prevent the tsunami now rolling in on his little cove. Condor sez: "Erh. . . too late." Grin. Each defrauded plaintiff may take their pound of flesh, from him personally, now. Heh. That is, anyone who has received any version of this letter.


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