Friday, April 1, 2022

And Tangerine's Unconscionable Forced "Confidentiality Agreements" -- While At Serving In His WH (As A Federal Class Action) Rumbles Onward.

I don't much like Omarosa Onee Manigault Newman. She is an odious character, plainly.

But she does have a point overnight in federal court in Manhattan, that Tangerine absolutely used unlawful means to try to silence potential future critics, ones "we the people" paid taxpayer-dollars to, in the White House, to do our business. For good -- or ill.

As such, any private agreement attempting to restrict those servants' (good ones, or bad ones) abilities to speak or write, truthfully -- post their time at the White House. . . is flatly unlawful, excepting only for national security topics. [That she is making money off a tell-all. . . is simply the way American freedoms work, in practice. It is a feature, not a bug.]

No prior Commander in Chief ever tried to so "lock up" his critics. Yet it was Tangerine's two-decades' long. . . standard practice. [Okay, as a fake Hollywood reality TV / moron star; not so, while holding any federal office.] Disgusting. So, the litigation in Manhattan's federal courts has freed all to speak and write about first amendment covered topics.

Yet, Tangerine's lawyers keep filing now-vexatious motions (in other courts around the nation), after losing this battle -- to try to force Omarosa (and others) to spend vast sums on legal fees -- and thereby "win" by attrition.

What a talkin' pig. But that insults. . . all porcine creatures, planet-wide, by association.

My apologies. [While this is. . . foolishness -- it is sadly, not an April Fools' joke, of any sort. This is really happening in federal courts around the country, even two years later.]


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