Thursday, August 11, 2022

[U: Bluff, Called.] The "Kumquat Pol-Pot" Can Make The Warrant Pubic Right Now. He Has It. But He... Won't. Why? 18 USC § 793 Is Likely Listed.

Updated -- Here on Thursday afternoon, after FBI agents in Ohio were threatened, and then fired upon, by an armed insurrectionist. . . The US Attorney himself has both said he approved the warrant, and will now move the court in Miami to release the warrant in full -- in the public interest (and to protect field agents, and the AG himself. . . from these threats). Charming, what these odious MAGA idiots do in his name. End, update.

Okay. A bit of background: 18 USC § 793 is the Espionage Act. It specifically makes an ex-president a felon, if that ex-president uses classified documents. . . "against the interests" of the United States. It is nearly a certainty that Tangerine has seen the warrant includes a "probable cause" allegation, that 18 USC § 793 has been violated. . . by him, personally.

So. . . there is zero chance he is going to make it public, and the FBI has an ongoing investigation (as well as the privacy interests of the target) to consider. . . so it won't, until after discovery is underway in the USDC in the Southern District of Florida (or in DC), if that is where Trump ends up getting charged.

So -- his misinformation train now takes on a new engine, and new conductor: Tom Fitton. Fitton is a very poorly educated lawyer -- but he does hold a license. . . somewhere. Overnight he filed a motion in Miami to get a copy of the warrant. He will lose. There is zero standing (and less than zero precedent) for a non-party, in a felony case (even if considered a journalist -- which he is not), to get a copy of the warrant this early in the game. If nothing else, to protect privacy (these are allegations, only now) only Trump hisself may make it public.

But it is clear that this is Kabuki theater: Fitton knows he will lose, but it lets Tangerine hack/flak media outlets continue to baselessly claim some Deep State is conspiring against exonerating. . . the Orange Hoard.

Many very smart people, people who follow this very closely, believe Kumquat Pol-Pot has violated -- and will likely be charged. . . under 18 USC § 793. It is a near certainty that the warrant lists it, among others, as statutes alleged (on a probable cause standard) to have been violated by the ex-president. And no USDC Judge is going to authorize a warrant against such a high profile political operative, without VERY substantial probable cause. So there is likely a deeply pulverizing level of evidence amassed, even prior to Monday's warrant returns. [That evidence could include the video-feeds, of various people (without clearance, including foreign nationals) accessing the basement document trove, at Mar-A-Lago, since Trump's team had already provided the FBI video-feeds from inside of the compound by mid-July. That would be the kind of evidence that would prove a violation of 18 USC § 793 and would cause a USDC Judge to issue the warrant.]

Just imagine the opposition campaign posters: "Are you really gonna' vote for someone [presently] under indictment for ESPIONAGE?!"

Eeesh -- and that's before the ads run saying "IF his accounting was 'perfect' as he repeatedly claimed. . . why did he plead the Fifth over 400 times?!"

This will all be worth the mud -- this pig is gonna' get very. . . dirty. Out, grinning.


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