Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Nope, Thomas Barrack's Ankle Monitor Stays... On: USDC Judge Cogan

Not at all surprising.

But do recall this is one of Trump's chief campaign financiers. And recall that it is likely that some of the classified documents he stole from 1600 Penn implicate Barrack. Finally -- it is at least possible that the execution of the warrant in Florida on Monday was in part about. . . those documents, for trial. Here's that order, just entered:

. . .The risk of flight is not small in this case. Even with the current financial and travel restrictions, Barrack is a heavily resourced man with an extensive network of contacts throughout the world. Despite his strong ties to the community, the crimes he is charged with are serious, and the Government has represented that the weight of the evidence against him is substantial. Facing a potential prison term of at least a decade, at age 75, it would not be surprising for Barrack to determine that he would rather take his chances and flee, despite his extensive family ties and long-time residence in his community. This risk only grows as trial approaches. . . .

Couldn't happen to a nicer. . . crew of crooks.

Now. . . Onward, to the park!


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