Monday, August 29, 2022

Ebola Resurfaces -- Hard News -- In Beni, Kivu, DR Congo...

The single case (so far) showed up last Sunday.

It was fatal, but the woman had co-morbidities. So far, she is the only known case in this outbreak. It is hoped that like the last Congo outbreak, the numbers will remain in low single digits. Here's the news, from WHO:

. . .On 21 August 2022, the Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo announced that a new laboratory-confirmed case of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) had been detected in Beni health zone in the province of North Kivu. The case, a 46-year old woman who had co-morbidities, died on 15 August 2022 after being hospitalized for 23 days.

Oropharyngeal secretion samples were taken after death on 15 August 2022 and tested positive for EVD. The body was buried before the EVD results were known. Field investigations are ongoing to identify hospital and community contacts.

The last EVD outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was in Equateur province and declared over on 4 July 2022. . . .

We will keep the fine people of the DRC in our morning meditations. . . let this be the end of it. Stay safe, one and all of good will.


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