Wednesday, May 18, 2022

So Martin Shkreli's "Chauffeur" Today Was A Former Retrophin Board Member... And Had To Clarify For BoP...

...that Martin was not, in fact, "hitchhiking" on the Pennsylvania Turnpike at 7:35 am this morning, as the caption he put on Twitter plainly, but playfully, stated. [Earlier update, here.]

As Billy ("Mister, the Kid" to you!) says, I think this suggests Martin may well not be hanging with people who would be most-focused on his walking the straight and narrow.

The gent depicted claims to be a private equity investor in various health care ventures, and says he serves as an advisor as to the same -- on some portfolio companies.

Now, recall that Martin's SEC and FTC banning orders expressly forbid advising such people and companies -- even for no fee. Even, for free. He is supposed to be "out" of the game, completely.

If they discussed any life science investing business -- or any publicly traded securities-trades for/of any '34 Act company, with a view toward influencing any policies or profiting from trading any of them. . . well, Martin has already more than arguably. . . violated his banning orders.

We shall see. This is a literal mine-field -- for Martin, if anyone overheard any conversation along those lines, at the Cracker Barrel today.

Y I K E S.


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