Tuesday, April 5, 2022

So, Mr. Musk Becomes One Vote -- Of Eleven, For So Long as He Stays Below 14.9% Of Twitter...

Of course, the founder, and another still-huge shareholder (at around three per cent of the total outstandings) -- Jack Dorsey -- is rotating off of the board, at this annual meeting. And with several shuffling moves, the board is now ten. When Elon completes his D&O questionnaire without deleterious background information coming to light, the board will be eleven. [A little more gloss, here on my last night / no "takeover" take. Grin. These detenté agreements are very common -- and they essentially let Mr. Musk engage in his publicity seeking escapades, without really changing the course of the ship at Twitter -- that's my experienced take.]

I doubt Mr. Musk ever wants more than ten per cent of Twitter, in any event. He's made his bold -- mostly publicity-seeking -- move, and now he will be one voice of eleven in the room -- about how much hate speech the company will allow in its monetized private club. And that will be driven by how much its conversations on platform may be monetized. And hate seems not to be selling very well, with Gab, Gettr and Parler on the ropes, and Tangerine's oddly-named "Truth" (in part due to the feckless incompetence of one Devin Nunes) now essentially DOA.

So, now we may say -- he has no present intention to take over Twitter. He has the money to do so, but he is smarter than wanting it, in total:

. . .Company Securities. Mr. Musk agrees that, for so long as Mr. Musk is serving on the Board and for 90 days thereafter, Mr. Musk will not, either alone or as a member of a group, become the beneficial owner of more than 14.9% of Company’s common stock outstanding at such time, including for these purposes economic exposure through derivative securities, swaps or hedging transactions. . . .

This really won't change much, longer term at Twitter. . . and I think "the pop" from Musk's investment will fade, in a few weeks -- it will mostly be back to business as usual at Twitter. Grinning, five years back to the day, now. . . .


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