Monday, April 4, 2022

[U] Martin Shkreli's Family Has Filed A "Pro-Se" Appeal, Of His Life-Time Ban And FTC Loss At Trial This Morning...

Of course, this is because he is likely bereft, of funds. [UPDATED 04.05.2022 -- the filing I imaged has been deleted for technical errors. End update.]

Sadly, for his mother, father and sister -- I will confidently predict -- just as was true with his appeal of his felony convictions, this appeal will fail in the Second Circuit -- and it will fail if they waste the money to seek cert., at the Supremes.

But it is their right -- to appeal.

I am a lil' unclear -- as to where the cash might have come from -- to pay for this appeal -- unless he effectively pre-paid some entirely new counsel (and the family filed, only to avoid missing the April 4, 2022 notice of appeal deadline) -- before the Koestler receivership final orders came in. [After those orders, every penny is supposed to first go to paying back Dr. Koestler, and the bills of the Receiver, Mr. Abbott, and his counsel. In fact, Mr. Brafman returned $50,000, to avoid a fight -- since it came in near the time of those orders.]

Of course, whatever money the family has, if it did not come from Martin, post the Koestler orders, may be used to prosecute this appeal. But it is purely a fools' errand.

I have blacked out all the private identifying details in the image at right, because she should not be bullied or abused, solely for wanting to help a family member. . . but now even her home address, and home phone is now in the open court records in Manhattan. People -- leave her out of this.

In any event, just as his appeal was dumped from the Supremes docket after just 18 elapsed days in the felony matters. . . this too is a firmly dead letter endeavor.

Onward, smiling. . . out, into the bright Spring sunshine here.


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