Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ken Frazier Will Join Eikon Therapeutics Board -- Great Snag, By Dr. Perlmutter, Again. "The Band, Back Together..."

I'm in an '80s kind of mood today, so. . . I can't help but grin -- and think of the now very-dated "Joliet Jake and Elwood" Blues references here -- so my graphic will oblige.

More seriously, this is big news. With Mr. Frazier's keen insights, but very "light touch" oversight. . . this small new-comer has the real potential to be a world-beater. We shall see. . . sorry, Aretha you're just going to have to accept it: "we're gettin' the band back together." Here's FierceBiotech on it all:

. . .Eikon Therapeutics is getting the Merck & Co. band back together, nabbing former CEO Ken Frazier for its board, the third transfer from the Big Pharma this year after Roy Baynes, M.D., Ph.D., and Ben Thorner joined as chief medical officer and chief business officer, respectively. All three follow Roger Perlmutter, M.D., Ph.D., former president of Merck Research Labs, who left to lead the new venture in 2021. . . .

Out, into the evening -- snow ending, and temperatures. . . rising. And all day, quite a bit of cringe-worthy '80s music has rattled around my brains, indeed. . . heh.


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