Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Update: The Able AUSAs Answer Tom Barrack's Unavailing Dodge: It Is No Defense To 15 USC § 951 Liability, To Complain That Bill Barr Buried Your Crimes For Nearly Two Years.

I'll honestly, if unattractively, admit. . . that I like seeing Tangerine-donors / billionaires get caught red handed, in the commission of crimes against our national interest. [My backgrounder is here, on him.]

I like it, because I believe the very same rules that apply to low car-boosts, on the street -- should apply to guys who live in 11,000-plus square foot mansions, on Aspen Mountain. That is, I think Barrack needs to go to jail -- for brazenly acting as an agent for a brutal, human rights stomping foreign power, while meeting with Tangerine at 1600 Penn., and not telling "we, the people" that he did NOT have the interests of the American people at heart. At all.

He had only his. . . wallet. And T. (of course!) was happy to siphon some graft off, too. As we've seen -- in subsequent Barrack contributions to Tangerine's 2020 campaign coffers (that's how these crooks. . . play the game).

So it is, that this guy (inartfully covered/prepped by Tangerine -- in that someone in T.'s camp tipped him that he was under investigation -- and so he went to talk to the FBI, but told a passel of obvious lies, in the process) now faces the music (in an overnight filing in Brooklyn, from the able AUSAs), as they say:

. . .During the interview, Barrack repeatedly and materially lied about the events and activities that underlie Count One and Count Two of the Indictment, including, but not limited to, making misstatements about whether Al Malik proffered policies or requests to Barrack on behalf of the UAE, whether he was ever asked to download a messaging application or acquire a dedicated telephone to communicate with UAE officials, whether he facilitated communications between
President-Elect Donald Trump and UAE officials after the 2016 Presidential Election, and whether he provided any guidance or input in arranging a former U.S. official’s meeting with a senior UAE official. Indictment ¶¶ 91-92, 98-107. . . .

The above makes out a rock-solid 18 USC § 951 charge for lying to the FBI. It is time to see him either plea, and get some jail time -- or go to trial. . . and. . . (yup!) get some jail time. Grin.


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