Thursday, March 3, 2022

UPDATE: Trying To Reunite Families Torn Apart By Tangerine (2017-2021).

The various pieces of class action litigation in California's federal courthouses are winding down, as they enter orders to pay the plaintiffs' attorneys fees, and whereever possible release and reunite asylum seeking families. [Prior backgrounder, here.]

However, the tragic reality is (based on this latest status report filed overnight). . . there may be upwards of 220 children who will never see their parents again. That crime against humanity belongs firmly around the neck of Tangerine, Bill Barr, Steven Miller, and Chad Wolf. Here's a bit of the 11 pager:

. . .Additionally, as previously reported, the Steering Committee has undertaken broad-based media outreach efforts to publicize the toll-free phone numbers created by the Steering Committee in Spanish language media. The Steering Committee has also arranged for advertisements on Spanish language radio in Central America. Those advertisements have aired over the last several months. The Steering Committee continues to work to identify opportunities to broadly disseminate the toll-free numbers through various media to maximize visibility to potential Ms. L. class members, including seeking to collaborate on such media outreach initiatives with other non-profit organizations. . . .

And keep the people of Ukraine (over a million now moving toward the Polish border) top of mind, as you go about your days. Many of those innocent asylum seekers seem to be facing similarly long odds -- and at least some invidious discrimination, if their skin is brown or black (non-native born, to the region).

Let us move forward, to do the right -- where the right may still be done.


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