Thursday, March 3, 2022

[Sanctions Tangents:] The Founder Of Kraken... May Soon Be Out Of... "Optionality" / Runway, Here.

Look -- he's not entirely wrong, in that there are lots of bad actors on the planet... but he certainly needs to be more clear headed about where his market is, longer term. [And this is a moment to shine -- and show that you can be an adult in the room, shedding the former darknet / Silk Road taints.]

So, his suggesting that Kraken will champion "individuality" over "national allegiances". . . sounds great in an undergraduate class on sociology / Ayn Randian views. . . but when it comes to siding with murderous totalitarian dictators, and betting your investors' billions staked on picking the right winner. . . well, I suspect he'll come up. . . short.

Way short.

And in the mean time, his business model will be regulated -- out of existence.

Governments will cite him as Exhibit A for why we cannot leave the world's future currencies (if that is what they are to become)... in the hands of chuckleheads with spit-wads and rubber bands.

But you do you, Mr. Powell. I suspect after tomorrow, you won't have any real option.

You will have to comply with what will now be international law.

Cheers -- here's to supporting the fine people of Ukraine.


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