Saturday, March 5, 2022

[Tangent / Update:] Manhattan AUSAs Seek Five Years In Prison -- For Virgil Griffith's Brazen No Ko Trip.

Just to frame the coming sentencing hearing for Virgil -- I think he is very likely to do a full five years. [He asks that he only get two, pointing out that he's already pleaded guilty, and spent nearly six months in the harsh NY holding cells. I don't think that will be enough, to fly.]

The level of pre-planning, careful deceptions, and intentional evasion of binding US State Department written "no-go" advice will be important factors here. Yes, he's a bright guy, and I am sure he regrets at least the consequences of getting caught. But this is a guy who's had every possible advantage in life, in a wealthy well-educated enclave -- on a bucolic US college campus, growing up.

In sum, it is my opinion (as we've seen in many other young white men -- like Martin Shkreli -- caught red-handed, in flagrant white collar crime sprees) that he came to believe that the laws didn't apply to him -- they apply only to the little people.

The able Judge will make sure he knows. . . they do. Here's a bit from his submission of last night:

. . .The final PSR was issued on December 27, 2021. The PSR agrees with the parties’ United States Sentencing Guidelines (“Guidelines”) calculation of a total offense level of 26, resulting in a Guidelines range of 63-78 months’ imprisonment, because Virgil has no prior criminal record (or even any contacts with the criminal justice system) and is in Criminal History Category I. (PSR ¶ 4.) The Probation Office recommended a sentence of 63 months. (PSR Sentencing Recommendation at 2.). . . .

[Character letter excerpt:]

...In the communications I have had with Virgil since he was arrested, he has repeatedly expressed how he has come to understand that his actions on his trip to North Korea were a great mistake. They were not just a violation of the law, but also deeply counterproductive to his own values. He now has a much better understanding of the complexities and wisdom involved in successfully making allies and friends, and what it takes to not end up going against the noble goals that he set out to accomplish.

Virgil is eager to accept the wisdom of his experiences and once again get a chance to productively contribute to society. Both he and I would deeply appreciate him being given an opportunity to do so soon. . . .

Vitalik Buterin
Director, Ethereum Foundation
. . . .

Now we will await his sentencing date, later this Spring.

Onward, into the sunshine -- baby girls here shortly... smiling.


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